Author Chat: Michael Mountain

Today's author chat is with Michael Mountain. Michael is a new Aeon Timeline user who talks about what he hopes it will add to his NaNoWriMo experience. We will check back with Michael (and all of our authors) at the end of November to find out how he went.

We would love to hear from other WriMos who would like to participate in an author chat. We welcome everyone, old hands and first timers alike.

Matt Tobin
Aeon Timeline Developer


Author photo: Michael Mountain

Michael Mountain has been an avid bookworm since the age of twelve. It was only in 2011 that he was introduced to the wonder that is NaNoWriMo and started writing. Since then he was written two full length novels (one of which was a NaNoWriMo novel) though both still require editing.

Michael currently lives in Johannesburg, South Africa, more specifically at an awesome Hippy/Gypsy-style restaurant in the Cradle of Humankind. He feels that this is the perfect place for him as it provides inspiration on a daily basis.

Michael currently has plans afoot that will hopefully lead to a successful eBook publishing contract.

How many years have you done NaNoWriMo?

This year will be my third NaNoWriMo; I have won both my previous attempts.

What are you writing for NaNoWriMo this year?

This year I am writing a novel entitled Glyph. It will (hopefully) be a dark Fantasy about the nature of reality and what good and evil really mean, if anything at all. This is actually the first year that I will be attempting to 'pants' a novel (write from the 'seat of my pants', i.e. with as little planning and outlining as possible).

What brings you back to NaNoWriMo each year?

This is certainly not an easy question to answer. There are hundreds of reasons that I could give, but I think the thing that pulls me back every year would have to be the people. With thousands of people from all over the world all striving toward the same goal, you get a feeling of camaraderie that’s otherwise quite difficult to find in the writing community. Also, the friendliness and kindness that you find so often on the forums, along with the willingness to help anyone that isn’t quite as sure what to do… It awes me. I see messages on the forums every day from Nano veterans motivating the newbies to keep at it, offering tips and advice, even individual help.

How do you plan for an event like NaNoWriMo?

Normally, I would sit down around September time and begin plotting and outlining. I write a detailed outline, describing the events that take place, along with several character bibles and notebooks for everything from world building to religious systems. From there, I sketch out my timeline and scene list, followed by my goals for the month ahead.

What tools do you use for NaNoWriMo?

I use Scrivener for Windows to do most of my actual writing. Apart from that, I do all of my planning in longhand, using notebooks and files. I use a whiteboard to keep track of my timeline, map, and scene list.

How are you planning to use Aeon Timeline?

This year I’m hoping to use Aeon to keep track of my plot. As I said earlier, I’m pantsing for the first time so I’m really looking forward to seeing how well Aeon works to keep me organised.

What attracted you to Aeon Timeline?

When I read about the software on the Sponsors’ page, I was immediately drawn to it. I usually have multiple static timelines that I draw by hand to describe the events in my novel. Aeon just makes my life easier, and frees up my time so that I can get more done. It also has a very wide range of uses, and I can’t wait to try them all.

I’m hoping that Aeon will help me keep track of my story and make it easier for me to make changes to the story as I go along.

Thank you

My thanks again to Michael for providing the answers to this author chat.

I will post another Author Chat shortly - why not volunteer and it could be you!

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